I was going to wait for an interview with That Kid Tyler before posting about this, but I want to give a shout out.
I learned about Cubimals last night when That Kid Tyler posted in the forums about the very first organized sports league in Glitch: the Cubimal Racing League. I'm hooked already.
Cubimals are little cube-shaped wind-up toys that look like various creatures and characters in the world of Glitch. There are 23 types and you get one at random when you purchase a Cubimal Box from a toy vendor for 5000 currants. They're really just there for silly fun, but they're SO CUTE!
I love that the playerbase of Glitch are taking it upon themselves to organize things like this to enrich the community, and I really hope that Tiny Speck adds in more tools to help foster this atmosphere. I'm sure they will. This seems like exactly the sort of thing they intend for the game.
Once the league forms, there will be more in-depth coverage. For now, clicky the linky and go check it out. Sign up. Race a cubimal. It's fun.
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