Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Eyeballery and Snapshotting

Tink Speck introduced a couple new skills the other day: Eyeballery and Snapshotting.

I love these skills.

Along with the new skills came a new feature: camera mode. Now, camera mode isn't just for taking pictures. With Eyeballery, you can use it to look around the whole screen. You can even do it WHILE mining. So while you're picking away at one rock, you can look around to find the next one. This has helped my own casual style of mining immensely. Although it doesn't work quite so well when the termites descend and clean out everything at once.

Now, Snapshotting is using the camera mode to take pictures. The pictures become png files saved to your computer. I really like this, and I'll explain why this is different than using print-screen to take a screenshot:

  1. Print-screen takes a picture of the whole screen.  This includes the UI and chat area.  Now, it's easy to crop out the chat area, but not so easy to get rid of the UI.  The camera feature takes a picture of the play area without the UI.  No metabolics, no rock.  Just picture.
  2. PNG file = better picture than a JPG.
  3. I think those are the only two reasons, actually, but they're good enough for me.

I'm not great with the whole print-screen thing so I like this feature. I know others won't care and are annoyed that it's a skill. There's one more thing I noticed, though. The skill is Snapshotting I, not just Snapshotting like other skills. This implies that there might be a Snapshotting II which will have more robust features, like perhaps zooming in or eliminating the foreground layer. I rather like that thought.

There will be more skills coming in the next few weeks, and I'm looking forward to seeing what they are.

I leave you with a picture of my house, taken with Snapshotting I:

Monday, October 3, 2011

Street Projects!

I got to participate in a street project this afternoon!

There are bunch of them going on in Pollokoo to open up a new mining area. At least, there were a bunch of them. The Locations page does list where the active projects are, so check it out. :)

I thought it was really great to see everyone playing nice together to get the project done. A bunch of Glitchen who could radiate did so as much as possible to help out. People were converting spices for others who couldn't grind. Food was being given freely. It was a wonderful collaborative atmosphere and a palpable sense of excitement.

The project I had a hand in was only 2 phases. I understand it's a temporary shortened thing so that the new streets could be rolled out quickly.

I really enjoyed the project. Hopefully the full projects will offer a little more of a feeling of control over what the end result looks like. It would be nice to see players choosing/competing for a certain path, and it's something that would put those "glitch referendum" votes to use. I'm sure I'm off the the mark here, though, and welcome the beta testers to illustrate in the comments how it worked before.

I should mention that there is a bit of competition built in for top contributors, but I didn't get much of a competitive vibe at all. Once again I'm struck by how friendly and mature the community is. I really hope it can keep that feeling as the playerbase grows. It's up to the veterans to lead by example, and the more socially-inclined glitches to foster a sense of community. If the new players see that "this is the way it is," they'll be inclined to continue the status quo, but it's up to us to build that status quo in the first place. I think we're doing really well so far. :)

Can't wait to get involved in the next project. I'm going to start stockpiling.... er.... stuff....

Cubimal Racing League!

I was going to wait for an interview with That Kid Tyler before posting about this, but I want to give a shout out.

I learned about Cubimals last night when That Kid Tyler posted in the forums about the very first organized sports league in Glitch: the Cubimal Racing League. I'm hooked already.

Cubimals are little cube-shaped wind-up toys that look like various creatures and characters in the world of Glitch. There are 23 types and you get one at random when you purchase a Cubimal Box from a toy vendor for 5000 currants. They're really just there for silly fun, but they're SO CUTE!

I love that the playerbase of Glitch are taking it upon themselves to organize things like this to enrich the community, and I really hope that Tiny Speck adds in more tools to help foster this atmosphere. I'm sure they will. This seems like exactly the sort of thing they intend for the game.

Once the league forms, there will be more in-depth coverage. For now, clicky the linky and go check it out. Sign up. Race a cubimal. It's fun.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

You Can't Stop the Signal

I love how portable Glitch is.

Because it's based in flash, it can run on any computer with a flash-enabled browser. Of course, it runs better on some computers and not so well on others. My old backup PC gets bogged down with crazy lag when there are more than three Glitchen in the street, but my wife's laptop runs it just fine, as does my PC at work. My main PC is down with a busted video card at the moment.

I'm looking forward to an iPad app. I even have a pretty good idea for a UI. But I really like the app already in place that lets you keep up with the news feed and manage your skills. It needs a few more features, and should absolutely be universal, but it's a wonderful start.

And changing the topic...

I now have three piggies and I'm toiling away at crops. Picked up blending so I could make myself some quick pick-me-ups, too. I'm going to have a housewarming party sometime in the future. Just not sure when. I'm also investigating the merits of different housing. I think that might be a future blog entry. I don't really want to get into strategy too much because there's already a good blog and wiki for that, although the wiki is lacking a little. That's not so much a complaint as motive to get me involved in the wiki project.

I was never good at ending posts. See you in the world. :)